Friday, June 20, 2014


Last night I saw the movie "FED UP". It was about all the added sugar companies put in the products they make. Almost all the REDUCED FAT items are 10 calories less than the original product but just as much sugar. Soda companies told The First Lady that they would take out 1.4 trillion calories of their products but that adds up to 14 calories out of a childs daily diet. Go check out FEDUPMOVIE.COM and try the 10 day no sugar challenge, I'm gonna try it. there are 800,000 items in the supermarket and 80% OF THEM HAVE ADDED SUGAR. Even baby formula. They did a test on lab rat that where addicted to Cocaine and gave them sugar water instead of Cocaine and then reintroduced Cocaine back and 40/43 rats went for the sugar water instead. THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

my first blog

As a kids I was very active but as I got older, like most teenagers, became less active. my mom always tells me i was the strongest kid she knew. like most teenagers there was a lot of peer pressure on who's the most athletic or who's the skinniest. so i decided to make a change for myself. the people who always said, " I'm the skinniest" just have to except that being the skinniest doesn't make you cool. i know a lot of them starve them selves just so they'll be the skinniest and that is just damaging their bodies. i was never a skinny person and I've come to learn that you don't have to be super thin to be healthy. As a teenager my great gramma was 5' 8", " big boned", and the captain of her schools basketball team. later in life she became a type 2 diabetic, if she would have made healthier food choices she could have prevented that, and i don't want to go down that same road.So i do high intensity interval training now and trying to make healthy food choices. Last year I was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and i am now on a gluten free and diary free diet. i am doing much better now. i also have ADHD and my symptoms have improved a lot. i even have stop taking one of my medications, with doctors consent. i emotionally and physically feel healthier and i am proud of myself for the changes i am making.

i hope you enjoy reading my blog about my healthy changes and my journey along the way.